- FFXIV Gold
Game : FFXIV
Email:[email protected]
I used this a couple of times, the first time service was amazing, but the second time I brought 10 million it took longer because they had to verify the transaction. But all in all a great site to use, highly recommend it!
- Very good services. Paid for a lot of mule accounts and got the accounts in 1 hour time max. Definitely want to pay more from this site. Cheap and reliable, never been disappointed.
- Legitimate and Reliable would definitely buy again.
- done a mule and a comfort trade, mule within 20 mins and comfort took 24 hours! speed up comfort trades please! over then that, superb! legit!
- Bought a mule account and it took 10 mins to come in and great prices to!!

Select Server :
FFXIV-NA- NA-Adamantoise
- NA-Balmung (LEGACY)
- NA-Behemoth
- NA-Brynhildr
- NA-Cactuar
- NA-Coeurl
- NA-Diabolos
- NA-Excalibur (LEGACY)
- NA-Exodus
- NA-Faerie
- NA-Famfrit
- NA-Gilgamesh
- NA-Goblin
- NA-Hyperion (LEGACY)
- NA-Jenova
- NA-Lamia
- NA-Leviathan
- NA-Malboro
- NA-Mateus
- NA-Midgardsormr
- NA-Sargatanas (LEGACY)
- NA-Siren
- NA-Twintania
- NA-Ultros
- NA-Zalera
- JP-Alexander
- JP-Anima
- JP-Asura
- JP-Atomos
- JP-Bahamut
- JP-Belias
- JP-Carbuncle
- JP-Chocobo
- JP-Durandal (LEGACY)
- JP-Fenrir
- JP-Garuda
- JP-Gungnir (LEGACY)
- JP-Hades
- JP-Ifrit
- JP-Ixion
- JP-Kujata
- JP-Mandragora
- JP-Masamune (LEGACY)
- JP-Omega
- JP-Pandaemonium
- JP-Ramuh
- JP-Ridill (LEGACY)
- JP-Shinryu
- JP-Tiamat
- JP-Titan
- JP-Tonberry
- JP-Typhon
- JP-Ultima
- JP-Unicorn
- JP-Valefor
- JP-Yojimbo
- JP-Zeromus

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